Boost Performance Management
Meet the Fault Detection and Diagnosis full-stack tool for applications
Learn moreFault
It makes problems and faults analysis short significantly. It helps to minimize and even eliminate problems and faults occurrences. It provides reliable arguments in DevOps discussions.
Full Diagnostics
We track any transaction and its elements along with processed data. We collect data from application servers environment (memory, connection pools), so that the diagnosis is more complete. Data visualization is so simple that one does not need to spend lots of time on learning.
It covers seach step of software development procedure. It can be development, preproduction or production environment.
How It Works?
Without quick and precise analysis Your software is vulnerable to performance degradation, failures and Your customers' complaints.
Key Flopsar Features
Complete, multidimensional Fault Detection and Diagnosis
Flopsar provides control over any applications and their environments. Used frameworks and technology is irrelevant. The control results are presented in various dimensions, such as technical, business or security of data processing ones.
Quick Root Cause Analysis
Flopsar tracks any transaction performed in a system controlled by Flopsar. Besides executions durations throughout multiple layers we report every exception. Moreover, Flopsar enables to report additional data processed by your applications.
Application Quality and Customers Satisfaction Improvement
By quick and detailed problems detection, we give developers and architects a deep insight into application processing. Basing on the provided data they can make decisions about optimizations. As a result, it improves code quality and application availability. Customers get better applications.
Availability and Resourcses Usage
Flopsar enables to collect and analyze application servers environments, such as disks usage, threads and connection pools.
About Us
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Flopsar® Technology Sp. z o.o.
ul. Mokotowska 1
00-640 Warszawa
VAT ID: PL7010337578
KRS: 0000415304
D-U-N-S®: 426746257